HUGE thanks to everybody who came out to help with the massive hay move!
On Thursday it was my dad, Chris, Emily, Jamie, Kirby, Rebecca and Sarah all helping move tack boxes and two trips of hay.
Friday my dad took another load over while I packed more stuff at the barn. An easy day comparatively.
Then Saturday was the real challenge. Rebecca and Mike did the am barn chores so the rest of us could move. Chris rebuilt the tack lockers we took out when we moved in while Steph and I loaded vehicles. Jen and Abby loaded up her car as well to transport items. With Victoria also volunteering a vehicle, they all headed out to take the first load of stuff while the rest of us started on hay.
Steve was a life saver both manipulating the tractor and being strong enough to throw hay significant distances for hours on end. Kyle and Chris also contributed to the strength category, making the day significantly more successful than it otherwise would have been.
Mieke, Bryn and Paul came and started on loading the horse trailer. Our second big trailer never showed, so we were making due with anything that could haul hay ;) On the other end, Aileen met us to help unload. Emily and Courtney were doing an excellent job helping Laura with stacking hay after we dropped it and went back for the next load.
My dad and Paula were managing the transportation of the big van while Stephy and I managed the horse trailer and Victoria, with her Merry Poppins car was transporting mountains of tack and other items. Stephy and I read each other's minds fairly well so we had a pretty smooth system going quickly. Made life much easier.
Adriana and Kayla arrived to help and the next truck-load got filled rapidly. Mieke, Bryn and Paul followed that load to the new place to help unload.
And the day continued back and forth, focusing entirely on hay, hay and more hay. Until in the very end the survivors: Emily, Kyle, Chris, Steve, Victoria, Kayla, Adriana and me loaded the last of the hay into the truck for tomorrow's delivery and turned the lights off for the night.
HUGE thanks to everybody who helped move today: Adriana, Aileen, Alan, Bev, Bryn, Chris, Emily, Kayla, Kyle, Mieke, Paul, Paula, Steph, Steve, and Victoria. You guys are all kinds of awesome!
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