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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Superpony + super rider = pretty red ribbon :)

Fun day at the Myrddin short course.  For me it's always a bit of a social outting to go to this show since I worked there for so many years and still know so many people there, it always feels a little like going home.

For Emily though -- it was only her second ever time out with Bella.  AND this after a month off!  She spent the two weeks leading up to it getting in as many lessons as possible and working *hard* in them.  Focusing on all the details of riding between the fences and in dressage.  And it showed.  Only slight concern is we weren't able to get in an off-property xc school; I made lots of new "very scary" jumps for them to practice over, but it's never quite the same as being away from home.  Shy of that though, they were totally set.

We had the supremely civilized load time of 11am.  Seriously.  And Superpony being, well a super pony, loaded herself and off we went.  The timing was such that we walked the course before dressage.  A short course starts in the stadium ring, jumps out and goes over some xc, and then comes back into the stadium ring to finish.  Em was seeming a little lost in the whole thing, so we reviewed the course several times till she had at least a vague idea of where they'd be going.
Warming up for dressage
They warmed up beautifully for dressage.  Bella was forward but not psyc -- that oh-so-hard-to-find balance that leads to really good dressage.  Sweet.  And the best part?  When they went in the ring, they kept it up!  Woohoo!   I was really thrilled with her test.  I didn't see any of the other riders, so I had no idea where she'd be comparatively, but it was a really competitive PE level test -- even bordering on entry as they had moments where Bella was on the bit!  Woohoo.  Not bad for Emily's second test EVER.
In the dressage ring
Then a short break and time to jump.  Bella warmed up well and Emily had time to mentally run through the course again as the jumps were being changed around for her division.    And then they were in.  And I was *so* proud of her.  She rode like a prostar!  Rated her rhythm appropriately.  Nice straight lines with good turns.  The couple that I warned her Bella would look at she sat up and rode defensively -- and got over everything on the first try and with style!  Just brilliant.
Over one of the scary fences
So while Emily and Sophie took care of Bella, Mary and I headed down to check out the scores...  Sure enough -- FIRST after dressage!   Woohoo.  And since she jumped clear, that meant she couldn't be caught.  Sweet!  hahaha of course then that meant we got to wait around about three hours for the division to end, results to be formally posted and sorted through and eventually ribbons handed out.  But at least it was a nice day :)   Not tragic for me as I got to catch up with some friends I haven't seen in ages, but Em's mum and sister must've been *very* ready to go home as from the hay field they couldn't even watch the jumping.  But I didn't hear a word of complaint :)  Yeah for awesome family!

Yeah - I was pretty thrilled.  Em earned that one.  And now she has the winter to learn to ride Charlie for next year :)

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