So I just wanted to say I have the best working students ever. I was talking to a friend the other day about how far they've come and figured I'd take a second for a public mini-brag :)
Kennedy and Jack |
We'll start with Kennedy, because she's been a working student the longest. When
Kennedy started working for me, every weekend I expected she'd tell me
she'd had enough. She always got the job done, and without any
complaint, but it usually took 2-3 times as long as I'd expect and I
would've understood if she'd decided it wasn't worth it. She was a low-
intermediate level rider. She could w/t/c and jump beginner courses. She usually rode Apollo, and - even back then - did a fabulous
job with him. She gave that horse a *ton* of confidence and got him
jumping and doing XC. So that was all good and I was having a lot of fun
teaching her.
When we moved, I half expected her to take the extra distance as a good reason to stop
-- but instead she seemed even more eager. Sweet. And the difference
I've seen in her since the move. Wow. She's found her groove as far as
chores go -- she's now as fast as anybody and does a fabulous job while
she's at it. And just as important - her riding. Let's just say she's
long-since outgrown Apollo's abilities. She now rides with my competitive
group. Her flat-work is becoming really solid -- she can get most horses
(even Nick!) on the bit with a little help from the ground. And is
starting to jump more interesting technical questions and stadium courses
at Entry height. I also trust her to introduce green horses to new
challenges -- she jumped Apollo over all sorts of firsts and took Louis
up the bank for his first time ever. That's a HUGE change in about a
year and a half or so. I'm really proud of how far she's come. Next
steps are consistancy on the flat, refining eq over bigger fences and
riding more complex combinations.
Rebecca and Jack |
Next we have Rebecca -- aka Superwoman (she even has a cape!). Rebecca
came to me having worked at several farms but with very little riding
experience. And the farms were ones where things were done... Shall we
say in a different manner than how we do things :) She quickly proved to
be very eager to learn -- asked intelligent questions and I don't think I
ever had to tell her something more than once. She's fast and hard
working and, most importantly, has the two critical skills for barn work:
observation and problem solving. Sweet. So I lucked out there. But the
riding... Oh dear. It turns out that most of the previous w/s jobs
she'd had weren't so big on the actual lessons part of things. She was a
very novice rider. Could walk and trot reasonably well, but canter as
often as not ended with her on the ground and jumping was... Well she
really shouldn't've been jumping at that point. She rode Nick and Louis
and we worked on real basics.
So now in the barn -- the minute I can afford to actually hire staff, the
job's hers; if only I can convince her she likes the barn as much as the
pianos :) I trust her completely -- both to do what she's been asked to
do, but more importantly to make correct decisions when something unusual
happens (and let's be honest, in a barn environment unusual things happen
All. The. Time.). But she was pretty awesome when she came to me, so
that's not a *huge* change. The HUGE change has been in her riding.
Instead of beginner horses, she now rides Jack. Instead of cross-rails
with really scary eq, she now jumps entry level courses with confidence.
HUGELY impressive improvement. Next steps are getting the horse on the
bit on the flat, consistancy over big fences and introducing technical
elements over the smaller ones. Going to be So. Much. Fun.
Brena and Bella |
Brena is my newest working student - and she wins for sheer eagerness.
She took on afternoon and evening shifts at the same time just to get in
some extra riding. She gets everything done in a reasonable time and is
super about looking for other things that need to be done if she's
finished early. I love teaching Brena because she'll take any
opportunity to ride and to learn. She started with me having w/t/c and
cross-rail type jumps, but quite nervous and reasonably ineffective.
It's amazing how often those two traits go together *g* -- I'd be nervous
if I were ineffective too! Gradually, working through Bella's *many*
tests, she's become very effective. Her position is more solid, she's
starting to learn to use independant aids, and even when she thinks I'm
insane -- she manages to control her nerves and make magic happen with
her pony. I expect we'll see Brena eventing next year, and hopefully
teaching beginners the year after that! Fingers crossed :)
Kirby and Charlie |
Kirby's background was close to Rebecca's -- lots of experience at ummmm
interesting facilities :) She has enough barn experience and knowledge
that I trust her completely on her own -- I know she'll catch any issue,
no matter how small, and be capable of dealing with it. Only those
who've ever run a barn can really understand what a difference it makes
to have somebody you can trust to back you up. She's completely reliable
-- has been known to come to work even when she's feeling too ill to
ride. Kirby had reasonable basics when she started riding with me, but no
confidence and her jumping was at times precarious. Now she's at the
point where she can take a nervous, hot horse and get him over a
*terrifing* fence. She's gotten to the point where she can control her
own nerves and use her skills to help her horse to great results.
Woohoo! Kirby's winter challenges include learning to keep Charlie consistantly on the bit and jumping canter courses confidently. No problem.
Chelsea and Lissy in competition |
Chelsea isn't officially a w/s -- yet! But she gets honourary mention
for helping out with Kennedy and Kirby and coming in during her summer
break. She's super eager and tries really hard. Her dedication to her
riding is incredible -- one of my few students who actually *works* in
her practice rides *g* Chelsea came to me with w/t/c and iffy cross-rail basics. She's now confidently showing at PE and schooling E and sometimes even PT fences. I could easily see her making young riders in a couple years if she sticks to it. I'm very much looking forward to her
being old enough to be an actual working student, because she has the
attitude and determination to be an awesome one!
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