The girls today learned all about taking care of event horses in the heat -- dismount, water, untack, water, soak, sweat-scrape, water, soak, sweat-scrape, repeat... Because it was *hot*. Very hot. And very little shade. But hey - WAY better than snow! hahaha
We had a very civilized load time of 8:45, and the girls were there shortly after 7 to feed their horses and get them ready. I took the time to snag a quick dressage ride before leaving -- and my horse was an absolute superstar. Excellent start to the day :)
Horses loaded well and we were off! A minor detail in that Trafalgar was closed, but fortunately they signed it well so I knew early enough that I could take an alternate route that I was *almost* as familiar with :) My co-pilot Chelsea a quick internet check and soon we had a confirmation about where we were going.
Got there on time and good to go. The girls unloaded their horses and got tacked up -- all very organized and well done. I was pretty impressed given that it was their second show :)
Caelan and Nick in dressage |
Off to dressage-world. Both girls warmed up really well. Caelan actually got in ahead of time -- she had one interpretive moment in dressage (see
fun, but not highly recommended, things to do in eventing) but after that was good to go and finished in good form. Olivia and Lissy's test was really solid. I was quite impressed :)
Olivia and Lissy in dressage |
Then we had a couple hour break before jumping so soak the horses, take a look at the show jump course, and mostly veg for a bit. Made for a nice, relaxed day.
Caelan and Nick in stadium |
Stad w/u went really well -- the fences were more like PE height (the girls were riding in intro division, so this served to make their competition course look nice and unintimidating :) Caelan was the first of our riders in stadium, and while she started out really well, unfortunately she forgot that all-important rule #1. She was so focused on the course and the jumping that when he surprised her by putting his head down *between* the fences, she ended up on the ground. It happens to everybody -- I vividly recall coming off on xc one time, running training level (so I'd had at least a couple years in at this point :) -- and way far away from any jump, me focused on what's coming up next and my horse focused on the VERY SCARY patch of dirt right in front of us. He went around; I went over. *sigh* hahaha at least then the rules were such that I could hop back on and keep going -- ended up being a great round if I recall :) The rules aren't that way any more though, so sadly Caelan was grounded. She *did* get to meet Woody though -- by far the best medic at any of the horse trials :) He's been at them for years. She had landed pretty hard on her wrist, and while she was being particularly stoic and eventer-like about it, he thought it best to splint her up. While obviously pretty sore, she seemed more frustrated her day ended early and without xc than upset about her injury. Sounds very familiar some how. We'll have to go school another day when she's all fixed up :) *edited to add -- looks like it'll be about 6 weeks. Booo! Goes to show just how strong she is!*
Olivia and Lissy in stadium |
While all this was going on, Olivia was busy putting in a clear round on Lissy. Sweet. Caelan, being super selfless, was ok with hanging out so Olivia could still school, so we took Lissy on a quick trip around the PE round. Olivia jumped almost all the PE course, including the bank. She also took Lissy through the water AND did a couple E fences. Awesome job :)
Playing in the water |
Took care of the horses and packed up. A quick check of the ribbons showed that Olivia finished in second! Woohoo! Not bad for her first try with Lissy and second time out :)
HUGE thanks to Chelsea for all your help today!
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