Blog Archive
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
HUGE Thanks!!!
7 new xc jumps. 1 sign out front. Several fences fixed. Many blankets rolled. A small mountain of food. One day. No problem!
At least, no problem when you have the amazing community of riders, family and friends that GRS has :)
So I would like to say a HUGE thanks to all who participated! You guys are AWESOME!!! I am soooo excited about our new course :)
Our self-volunteered project manager Bryn was the first to arrive in the am and the last to leave at night :) His efforts made everything flow smoothly from suggesting what materials it'd be good to have on hand, to providing plans for our talented builders to build, to supervising everything, helping everybody, and manning the chainsaw and various other power tools! I seriously doubt we'd have even gotten half as much done without his help. SOOOO much thanks!
One of the lessons learned is that tools are only as useful as the people working them; we discovered that when Steve came and took over the tractor! He got logs moved and a ditch dug in a phenomenally quick amount of time :) Seriously impressive! Similarly - Frank and Mike left alone with power tools made us an awesome coup! Thanks :)
My very dedicated working students whose lesson got put off for another day still came and took care of the barn and joined in when they were done! Thanks Rebecca and Brena!
Aileen and DJ saved me tons of frustration by taking on various fence repairs around the property! While Paula, on the injured list, managed to sort through the mountain of blankets for the blanket lady. Thanks tons!
The bank was one of the biggest challenges of the day -- Chelsea, Rowan, Steph, Dauphnee (sp?), and Kerri spent pretty much all day digging. Definitely not the workout they usually get at the barn :) Chels and Rowan became experts at the drill and hammering the stakes :)
While they were digging, Leslie and my dad were drilling -- mastering the art of the post-hole digger! This made it so Bryn, Steve, Brena and Rebecca (the last two who learned how to tie the jumps) could make my triple bar PT fence :) My dad and Steph later took the digging skill to the road, to raise our sign :)
While all this was going on Caelan and Olivia were helping with all sorts of jobs. They, along with Leslie and the guys, pulled mountains of hardware off railway ties. Then they unloaded a truckload of wood before going to help put together the tire jumps and dig the ditch! Just kept working all day at whatever needed to be done. Awesome girls!
Meanwhile my mum took over setting up and manning the BBQ -- muchly appreciated! Thanks to all who contributed -- made a great break to the day :)
After the bank and ditch were built, Chelsea and Rowan kept running and helped load and unload stadium jumps and then created their own course. Great job :)
HUGE thanks to all who helped out. You're helping make this a fantastic place to ride :)
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