Blog Archive

Sunday, May 6, 2012

A day in the life...

So apparently I'm getting old.  Booo >;-P  hahaha after yesterday I was actually fairly tired today.   But it was perfect weather, so that helped.   Went out to the barn and was excited that a novice student who had arrived  *really* early had been successful grooming and tacking up on her own (with my wonderful working student Rebecca supervising) -- so was definitely a good start to the day.  That lesson went as well as it started with a successful first canter and a very excited rider.

Followed with my w/s lesson -- my original plan was shot down by the fact that the outdoor ring was wet, but I'd been thinking about all the fun goofy things I used to do riding and that so many students don't get to do any of them in a school setting (although *I* was in a school setting too -- but sobeit :)   Quickly filtered out all the ones that would result in bad things happening and decided on pairs.  hahaha so Louis and Bella, not the most natural of pairs, were put together so the riders could learn rhythm and pace control in the most fun method ever.  Anyways - was an entertaining lesson :)

My next lesson was cancelled and I had good intentions of getting stalls done in that time.  But the weather was good, and some moments aren't to be missed.  Tossed some tack on Athena (after a brief stall putting together a new bridle for her *sigh*) and went out for a hack with my Brena and Rebecca.  Absolutely perfect.  Sunny weather.  Perfect temp.  No bugs.  Nice relaxed walk and stretch hack.  Lovely.   And so much better than doing stalls there's just no comparison :)

Got back to the barn and Jody, who I haven't seen in *ages*, had dropped by to visit :)   She stayed till my next lesson came and the world was good :)   Lesson went well, finished stalls in record time, and actually got some more cleanup done -- just odds and ends outside that have been frustrating me cause I see them every day and they annoy me.  So always good.  And it was a valid excuse to be outside :)   Grazed my horse for a while, book in hand.  Also always a good way of enjoying the sun.   All in all today was a prime example of why I picked this job :)

Finished the day with dinner with family and *hopefully* going to be early!  Wish me luck :)

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